Artist Inspiration

Artist Statement for "Nine" - A new body of work

Artist Statement for "Nine" - A new body of work

In this body of work, I am both the Artist and the subject. The works exist at the intersection of femininity, fertility, sexuality, destruction and personal freedom, as I work to uncover the fragility, strength, power and beauty of the female spirit and form.

Behind the Work: This Must be the Place

Behind the Work: This Must be the Place

In late 2019 I started to think about a new series of work called “What You Seek.” I think we all have defined for ourselves what feeling “home” means and I love that this painting, my first completed piece in 2020 and my last completed piece pre-Covid, is the one I made before everything changed. I look at this painting now and I can imagine how the world felt to me in that moment - open, exciting and ripe for the picking. In many ways I still think that it is and this work will forever commemorate that moment in time when everything was possible because the place and happiness found me.

Behind the Work: The Birds Are Singing in the Nighttime

Behind the Work: The Birds Are Singing in the Nighttime

I think a lot of people assume that the world works in a predictable, logical, and linear way but if 2020 has taught me anything it’s that this isn’t the case. Expecting that things will actually go on as planned just perpetuates this fantasy.

How Nature Inspires Me

How Nature Inspires Me

When I first left NYC I found the quiet and the colors of the Hudson Valley to be jarring instead of calming. SO. MUCH. NATURE. I felt offended by the serenity and bored by the lack of movement and activity. But, the longer I lived away from all that NY is, I gradually started to realize that the chaos of the city, while exciting and energizing wasn’t feeding me in the way I needed and recognizing that truth has been a game changer that has affected my entire outlook and the way that I approach life, work and even parenting.

Behind the Work: The Wild Things

Behind the Work: The Wild Things

Do you ever wonder what the inside of your brain looks like? I wanted to make a painting that would be an exploration and interpretation of my feelings inside my head as colors. This how The Wild Things came to be.