
Artist Statement: The Storm We Weathered Series

Artist Statement: The Storm We Weathered Series

The Storm We Weathered.” is a collection of oil paintings created in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic that explores themes of self-reflection, the human condition, community and identity. As the world begins to slowly open up again, the works explore a yearning to connect with each other after living in an extended period of isolation since the start of 2020. The overall sentiment remains and the paintings are accessible and visually calming, yet still chaotic and slightly out of reach.

Artist Statement for "Nine" - A new body of work

Artist Statement for "Nine" - A new body of work

In this body of work, I am both the Artist and the subject. The works exist at the intersection of femininity, fertility, sexuality, destruction and personal freedom, as I work to uncover the fragility, strength, power and beauty of the female spirit and form.

Hand Painted Leather Jackets

Hand Painted Leather Jackets

I love to paint on apparel and wearing my art! Hand painted T-shirts, hand painted sneakers, hand painted denim jackets…all of these have been a part of my work for a long time. Still, I never contemplated painting on leather. Yet, when one of my long-time clients, who already owns a few denim jackets, asked me to custom paint a leather jacket, I couldn’t say no! The buttery feel of the leather proved to be my favorite and most unusual canvas yet.

Behind the Work: This Must be the Place

Behind the Work: This Must be the Place

In late 2019 I started to think about a new series of work called “What You Seek.” I think we all have defined for ourselves what feeling “home” means and I love that this painting, my first completed piece in 2020 and my last completed piece pre-Covid, is the one I made before everything changed. I look at this painting now and I can imagine how the world felt to me in that moment - open, exciting and ripe for the picking. In many ways I still think that it is and this work will forever commemorate that moment in time when everything was possible because the place and happiness found me.