
I Choose This Mindful Practice Over Making New Year Resolutions

I Choose This Mindful Practice Over Making New Year Resolutions

Do you believe in making resolutions as we leave one year and enter another? For a long time, starting in my adolescence and into adulthood, I thought making resolutions was necessary if I wanted to be successful. But, a few years ago I started a practice that changed my thinking around the ways we truly are able to look forward, learn, achieve, evolve, and become the best versions of ourselves.

Monica Shulman x Reservoir

Monica Shulman x Reservoir

You can now find a selection of my work in-house at Reservoir — a beautifully curated shop located at 101 Main Street in historic Cold Spring, New York. Please join us this Friday, July 23rd, from 4 pm to 7 pm for the soft opening and Artist Reception and thereafter during store hours by appointment.

Art and Life in the Time of Covid

Art and Life in the Time of Covid

It’s been six weeks since we’ve been quarantined and I’m feeling lucky for the privilege of being able to stay home. With everything happening in the world I know that art is not a priority for people. We are completely consumed with the news and the reality of our situation across the globe but I would argue that we need art now more than ever. We need to see things that make us feel something other than panic and fear and so we need to create and see things that will take us to far away places in our imaginations. For me personally it’s been an emotional rollercoaster thinking about everything that is happening, feeling the loss of so many people around the globe, and having so many drastic changes to my home and work life.