About Me

About Me and My Work - A view into my practice as an Artist

About Me and My Work - A view into my practice as an Artist

My art practice denotes freedom and unapologetic honesty. My artwork explores a variety of general themes in my personal narrative. As an artist, I study the concept of excavation and discovery and I explore consistent themes of change and evolution using various mediums including oil paint, acrylic paint, oil stick, ink, house paint, gesso and pastels.

When Fall Promises New Beginnings

When Fall Promises New Beginnings

I disappeared for the summer and had so many opportunities to be with the people I love, to think and to create. What more can I ask for than time to be in the moment doing the things I love to do - being with my family and making art. Fall is here and it’s a time for transitions.

Why a Visual Journal is a Must in my Creative Process and Daily Routine

Why a Visual Journal is a Must in my Creative Process and Daily Routine

If there is one routine and creative process that shapes my entire studio practice it is my discipline with my visual journal. I keep a notebook journal where I write down my thoughts almost daily and I have a visual mood board where I hang photos, magazine cutouts and basically anything else that I find that is currently inspiring me. But the most important aspect of my studio practice is the work that I do in notebooks each and every day.

My Art History

My Art History

The other day at dinner a friend asked me whether I ever imagined that my career would take the turn it has taken.  I didn't even hesitate to answer the question.  "No.  I never imagined this."  My path to becoming a working artist has not been straightforward and there have been many forks and twists on the road to where I am now.  So it got me thinking about those forks and twists--everyone has a history and I really believe that I had to go through all the changes and turns in my life to get to this spot.