
How Nature Inspires Me

How Nature Inspires Me

When I first left NYC I found the quiet and the colors of the Hudson Valley to be jarring instead of calming. SO. MUCH. NATURE. I felt offended by the serenity and bored by the lack of movement and activity. But, the longer I lived away from all that NY is, I gradually started to realize that the chaos of the city, while exciting and energizing wasn’t feeding me in the way I needed and recognizing that truth has been a game changer that has affected my entire outlook and the way that I approach life, work and even parenting.

On Seeing Nature in Black and White

On Seeing Nature in Black and White

My obsession with photography started with my love of black and white film.  Since I was very little I used to imagine scenes in shades of gray and when I started painting I would often sketch my paper or my canvas using charcoal and then feel reluctant to paint them with my colors. I pretty much live for color nowadays and I love to bring my images to life in that way, but it's true what they say about never forgetting your first love. I've been exploring and studying tones and contrasts for years but lately I'm feeling so energized and inspired by the patterns and textures that I'm finding in nature.