Artist Inspiration

I Choose This Mindful Practice Over Making New Year Resolutions

I Choose This Mindful Practice Over Making New Year Resolutions

Do you believe in making resolutions as we leave one year and enter another? For a long time, starting in my adolescence and into adulthood, I thought making resolutions was necessary if I wanted to be successful. But, a few years ago I started a practice that changed my thinking around the ways we truly are able to look forward, learn, achieve, evolve, and become the best versions of ourselves.

Embracing Dualities and How I Think When I Think About Art

Embracing Dualities and How I Think When I Think About Art

I’ve been thinking about my tendency to try to convince myself that I shouldn’t be nervous about a situation. I want to own my feelings and let myself experience whatever I need to experience so why block myself from important emotions? Well, experimenting is an important part of my art practice and as someone who is usually nervous about and overthinking on all the things, this idea of embracing all the feelings (especially the hard ones) has finally made its way into other areas of my life. What a concept! The freedom!

Artist Statement: The Storm We Weathered Series

Artist Statement: The Storm We Weathered Series

The Storm We Weathered.” is a collection of oil paintings created in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic that explores themes of self-reflection, the human condition, community and identity. As the world begins to slowly open up again, the works explore a yearning to connect with each other after living in an extended period of isolation since the start of 2020. The overall sentiment remains and the paintings are accessible and visually calming, yet still chaotic and slightly out of reach.

Reflecting on a New Season

Reflecting on a New Season

It’s nearly summer and here in the lower Hudson Valley where I work there is definitely a shift in energy as I personally start to shed some of the physical and emotional layers of the last year. Even if it looks different I sense a fresh, rejuvenating spirit that recalls the energy of life at the onset of the new season.

About Me and My Work - A view into my practice as an Artist

About Me and My Work - A view into my practice as an Artist

My art practice denotes freedom and unapologetic honesty. My artwork explores a variety of general themes in my personal narrative. As an artist, I study the concept of excavation and discovery and I explore consistent themes of change and evolution using various mediums including oil paint, acrylic paint, oil stick, ink, house paint, gesso and pastels.