
How Nature Inspires Me

How Nature Inspires Me

When I first left NYC I found the quiet and the colors of the Hudson Valley to be jarring instead of calming. SO. MUCH. NATURE. I felt offended by the serenity and bored by the lack of movement and activity. But, the longer I lived away from all that NY is, I gradually started to realize that the chaos of the city, while exciting and energizing wasn’t feeding me in the way I needed and recognizing that truth has been a game changer that has affected my entire outlook and the way that I approach life, work and even parenting.

When Fall Promises New Beginnings

When Fall Promises New Beginnings

I disappeared for the summer and had so many opportunities to be with the people I love, to think and to create. What more can I ask for than time to be in the moment doing the things I love to do - being with my family and making art. Fall is here and it’s a time for transitions.

Lessons I Learned During the Scary Business of Changing Careers

Lessons I Learned During the Scary Business of Changing Careers

The ride to this station in my professional life was, at times, very bumpy, very unclear, and often very terrifying. I’m grateful for the time I had to learn things the hard way even though I couldn’t see how important that was at the time that I was learning. So what do you do if you want to change careers? It’s scary for sure but here are some lessons that helped me a lot then and continue to help me even now.

How to Guarantee a Great Year in 2018

How to Guarantee a Great Year in 2018

Every year I choose a word that becomes a mantra to take me through the next twelve months.  I write that word down and try to manifest it.  In 2017 I chose "purpose" as my word and each time I felt like I was struggling or facing some difficulty, or felt uninspired, or frankly deterred and depressed by the state of affairs in our world, I turned to my word, PURPOSE, to bring me light and remind me of what I am meant to do and why I am meant to do it. This time I took the lessons from last year to take me into 2018.