Monica Shulman Studio is named Best of Westchester

Monica Shulman Best of Westchester

I was selected as the Best Artist in Westchester in Westchester Magazine. I don’t know if I’m the “best” anything but I know I am the most grateful. Sometimes life surprises you in ways you never could have imagined!

I am so humbled that I’ve been lucky enough to have had not one, but two, fulfilling careers. When the first wasn’t right for me anymore (did you know that in my last life I was a corporate lawyer?) I did a lot of soul searching and with the support of my family and my amazing and thoughtful husband I was able to transition to what I’m doing now - being a full-time Artist and Mom.

Professionally, it hasn’t been an easy road. I can probably wallpaper my entire house with my rejection letters. I know people say that all the time so it sounds cliche but it is so true for me. I’ve learned to just shrug off the “No” because there is nothing else to be done except to keep going and looking forward. I would take all that rejection personally except I finally learned and accepted that it was just part of the deal of life - some things work out and some do not but it’s all part of a bigger lesson to never quit and to keep making and chasing and trying to crush those goals.

I am so grateful for all of the support that I’ve gotten throughout my career and this week in my mailbox I received this accolade that reminds me of why I am doing this day in and day out (despite all the uncertainty, self-doubt, exhaustion, and yes, rejection) and why I can’t ever give up on my dreams.

Thank you to everyone who has been there with me on this journey and thank you, Westchester Magazine!